Prof. Dr. Janik Wolters
Janik is now heading the group on Physical Foundations of IT Security at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Optical Sensors in Berlin / TU Berlin. The information below may no longer be current.

I studied physics at the Technische Universität (TU) Berlin, and Universidad Complutense de Madrid, graduating in Febuary 2009. I did my PhD on Integrated Quantum Hybrid Systems in the Benson Group at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. I worked in the Grangier group in Institut d'Optique in Paris and the Reitzenstein Group at TU Berlin. My prize-winning research comprises nano photonics, quantum dots, NV centers and atomic physics. Beginning of 2016 I joined the Treutlein Group in Basel as a Marie Curie Fellow working in the project 3-5-First! on the realization of a cold atom-semiconductor quantum interface.
2016-2019 | Postdoc, group of Prof. P. Treutlein, University of Basel. |
09/2014-12/2015 | Postdoc, group of Prof. S. Reitzenstein, Technische Universität Berlin. |
04/2014-08/2015 | Postdoc, group of Prof. O. Benson, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. |
02/2010-12/2013 | Doctoral researcher, group of Prof. O. Benson, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. |
04/2009-07/2009 | Researcher, group of Prof. P. Grangier Institut d'Optique, Palaiseau. |
02/2008-02/2009 | Diploma Student Researcher, group of Prof. A. Knorr, Technische Universität Berlin. |
Selected Publications
See the full list at google scholar.
R. Mottola, G. Buser, C. Müller, T. Kroh, A. Ahlrichs, S. Ramelow, O. Benson, P. Treutlein, and J. Wolters
An efficient, tunable, and robust source of narrow-band photon pairs at the 87Rb D1 line,
Opt. Express 28, 3 3159-3170 (2020).
J. Wolters, G. Buser, A. Horsley, L. Béguin, A. Jöckel, J.-P. Jahn, R. J. Warburton, and P. Treutlein,
Simple atomic quantum memory suitable for semiconductor quantum dot single photons,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 060502 (2017).
J. Wolters,
Integrated Quantum Hybrid Systems,
Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore (2015)
J. Wolters, N. Sadzak, A.W. Schell, T. Schröder, and O. Benson,
Measurement of the Ultrafast Spectral Diffusion of the Optical Transition of Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Nano-Size Diamond Using Correlation Interferometry
Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, (2013) 027401
T. Wilk, A. Gaetan, C. Evellin, J. Wolters, Y. Miroshnychenko, P. Grangier, and A. Browaeys,
Entanglement of Two Individual Neutral Atoms Using Rydberg Blockade,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 104, (2010) 010502
J. Wolters, A.W. Schell, G. Kewes, N. Nüsse, M. Schoengen, H. Döscher, T. Hannappel, B. Löchel, M. Barth, and O. Benson,
Enhancement of the zero phonon line emission from a single nitrogen vacancy center in a nanodiamond via coupling to a photonic crystal cavity
Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 (2010) 141108