G. Buser
Switching, Amplifying, and Chirping Diode Lasers with Current Pulses for High Bandwidth Quantum Technologies,
Y. Shi, T. Ruster, M. Ho, S. Karlen, J. Haesler, and P. Treutlein
Broad Instantaneous Bandwidth Microwave Spectrum Analyzer with a Microfabricated Atomic Vapor Cell,
R. Mottola, G. Buser, and P. Treutlein
Optical memory in a microfabricated rubidium vapor cell,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 260801 (2023).
R. Mottola, G. Buser, and P. Treutlein
Electromagnetically induced transparency and optical pumping in the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime,
Phys. Rev. A 108, 062820 (2023).
P. Colciaghi, Y. Li, P. Treutlein, and T. Zibold
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment with two Bose-Einstein condensates,
Phys. Rev. X 13, 021031 (2023).
M. Ernzer, M. Bosch Aguilera, M. Brunelli, G.-L. Schmid, T. M. Karg, C. Bruder, P. P. Potts, and P. Treutlein
Optical coherent feedback control of a mechanical oscillator,
Phys. Rev. X 13, 021023 (2023).
G. Buser, R. Mottola, B. Cotting, J. Wolters, and P. Treutlein
Single-photon storage in a ground-state vapor cell quantum memory,
PRX Quantum 3, 020349 (2022).
G.-L. Schmid, C. T. Ngai, M. Ernzer, M. Bosch Aguilera, T. M. Karg, and P. Treutlein
Coherent feedback cooling of a nanomechanical membrane with atomic spins,
Phys. Rev. X 12, 011020 (2022).
A. Serafin, M. Fadel, P. Treutlein, and A. Sinatra
Nuclear Spin Squeezing in Helium-3 by Continuous Quantum Nondemolition Measurement,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 013601 (2021).
A. Serafin, Y. Castin, M. Fadel, P. Treutlein, and A. Sinatra
Nuclear spin squeezing by continuous quantum non-demolition measurement: a
theoretical study,
Comptes Rendus. Physique 22, 1 1-35 (2021) (fr)
HAL archives version (en)
B. Morris, B. Yadin, M. Fadel, T. Zibold, P. Treutlein, and G. Adesso
Entanglement between Identical Particles Is a Useful and Consistent Resource,
Phys. Rev. X 10, 041012 (2020).
L. Zhai, M. C. Löbl, J.-P. Jahn, Y. Hou, P. Treutlein, O. G. Schmidt, A. Rastelli, and R. J. Warburton
Large-range frequency tuning of a narrow-linewidth quantum emitter,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 083106 (2020).
T. M. Karg, B. Gouraud, C. T. Ngai, G.-L. Schmid, K. Hammerer, and P. Treutlein
Light-mediated strong coupling between a mechanical oscillator and atomic spins one meter apart,
Science 369, 174 (2020).
Y. Li, K. Pawłowski, B. Décamps, P. Colciaghi, M. Fadel, P. Treutlein, and T. Zibold
Fundamental limit of phase coherence in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 123402 (2020).
P. Treutlein
Atom Optomechanics,
in: “Quantum Optomechanics and Nanomechanics”, Lecture Notes of the Les Houches Summer School: Volume 105, August 2015, ed. by P.-F. Cohadon, J. Harris, F. Marquardt, and L. Cugliandolo (Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom), pp. 329-368 (2020).
R. Mottola, G. Buser, C. Müller, T. Kroh, A. Ahlrichs, S. Ramelow, O. Benson, P. Treutlein, and J. Wolters
An efficient, tunable, and robust source of narrow-band photon pairs at the 87Rb D1 line,
Opt. Express 28, 3159 (2020).
F. Baccari, J. Tura, M. Fadel, A. Aloy, J.-D. Bancal, N. Sangouard, M. Lewenstein, A. Acín, and R. Augusiak
Bell correlation depth in many-body systems,
Phys. Rev. A 100, 022121 (2019).
T. M. Karg, B. Gouraud, P. Treutlein, and K. Hammerer
Remote Hamiltonian interactions mediated by light,
Phys. Rev. A 99, 063829 (2019).
F. Fröwis, M. Fadel, P. Treutlein, N. Gisin, and N. Brunner
Does large quantum Fisher information imply Bell correlations?
Phys. Rev. A 99, 040101(R) (2019).
L. Pezzè, A. Smerzi, M. K. Oberthaler, R. Schmied, and P. Treutlein,
Quantum metrology with nonclassical states of atomic ensembles
Rev. Mod. Phys. 90, 035005 (2018).
L. Béguin, J.-P. Jahn, J. Wolters, M. Reindl, R. Trotta, A. Rastelli, F. Ding, Y. Huo, O. G. Schmidt, P. Treutlein, and R. Warburton,
On-demand semiconductor source of 780 nm single photons with controlled temporal wave packets,
Phys. Rev. B 97, 205304 (2018).
M. Fadel, T. Zibold, B. Décamps, and P. Treutlein,
Spatial entanglement patterns and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering in Bose-Einstein condensates,
Science 360, 409-413 (2018).
A. Horsley, P. Appel, J. Wolters, J. Achard, A. Tallaire, P. Maletinsky, and P. Treutlein,
Microwave device characterisation using a widefield diamond microscope,
Phys. Rev. Appl. 10, 044039 (2018).
A. Vochezer, T. Kampschulte, K. Hammerer, and P. Treutlein,
Light-Mediated Collective Atomic Motion in an Optical Lattice Coupled to a Membrane,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 073602 (2018).
M. Fadel and J. Tura,
Bounding the Set of Classical Correlations of a Many-Body System,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 230402 (2017).
S. Wagner, R. Schmied, M. Fadel, P. Treutlein, N. Sangouard, and J.-D. Bancal,
Bell correlations in a many-body system with finite statistics,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 170403 (2017).
J. Wolters, G. Buser, A. Horsley, L. Béguin, A. Jöckel, J.-P. Jahn, R. J. Warburton, and P. Treutlein,
Simple atomic quantum memory suitable for semiconductor quantum dot single photons,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 060502 (2017).
K. Pawłowski, M. Fadel, P. Treutlein, Y. Castin, and A. Sinatra,
Mesoscopic quantum superpositions in bimodal Bose-Einstein condensates: Decoherence and strategies to counteract it,
Phys. Rev. A 95, 063609 (2017).
E. Oudot, J.-D. Bancal, R. Schmied, P. Treutlein, and N. Sangouard
Optimal entanglement witnesses in a split spin-squeezed Bose-Einstein condensate,
Phys. Rev. A 95, 052347 (2017).
P. Treutlein,
Photon qubit is made of two colors,
Physics 9, 135 (2016).
A. Horsley and P. Treutlein,
Frequency-tunable microwave field detection in an atomic vapor cell,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 211102 (2016).
R. Schmied, J.-D. Bancal, B. Allard, M. Fadel, V. Scarani, P. Treutlein, N. Sangouard,
Bell correlations in a Bose-Einstein condensate,
Science 352, 441 (2016).
B. Allard, M. Fadel, R. Schmied, and P. Treutlein,
Sideband Rabi spectroscopy of finite-temperature trapped Bose gases,
Phys. Rev. A 93, 043624 (2016).
R. Schmied,
Quantum state tomography of a single qubit: comparison of methods,
J. Mod. Opt. 63, 1744 (2016).
J.-P. Jahn, M. Munsch, L. Béguin, A. V. Kuhlmann, M. Renggli, Y. Huo, F. Ding, R. Trotta, M. Reindl, O. G. Schmidt, A. Rastelli, P. Treutlein, and R. J. Warburton,
An artificial Rb atom in a semiconductor with lifetime-limited linewidth,
Phys. Rev. B 92, 245439 (2015).
A. Horsley, G.-X. Du, and P. Treutlein,
Widefield Microwave Imaging in Alkali Vapor Cells with sub-100 um Resolution,
New J. Phys. 17, 112002 (2015), Fast Track Communication.
P. Treutlein,
Nanomechanical answer to Einstein,
Nature Nanotechnology 10, 832 (2015).
C. Affolderbach, G.-X. Du, T. Bandi, A. Horsley, P. Treutlein, and G. Mileti,
Imaging Microwave and DC Magnetic Fields in a Vapor-Cell Rb Atomic Clock,
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 64, 3629 (2015).
B. Vogell, T. Kampschulte, M. T. Rakher, A. Faber, P. Treutlein, K. Hammerer, and P. Zoller,
Long distance coupling of a quantum mechanical oscillator to the internal states of an atomic ensemble,
New J. Phys. 17, 043044 (2015).
A. Jöckel, A. Faber, T. Kampschulte, M. Korppi, M. T. Rakher, and P. Treutlein,
Sympathetic cooling of a membrane oscillator in a hybrid mechanical-atomic system,
Nature Nanotechnology 10, 55-59 (2015).
P. Treutlein, C. Genes, K. Hammerer, M. Poggio, and P. Rabl,
Hybrid Mechanical Systems,
in: "Cavity Optomechanics", ed. by M. Aspelmeyer, T. J. Kippenberg, and F. Marquardt (Springer, Berlin 2014) pp. 327-351.
P. Treutlein,
Optomechanics: A strained couple,
Nature Nanotechnology 9, 99 (2014).
A. V. Lebedev, P. Treutlein, and G. Blatter,
Sequential quantum-enhanced measurement with an atomic ensemble,
Phys. Rev. A 89, 012118 (2014).
A. Horsley, G.-X. Du, M. Pellaton, C. Affolderbach, G. Mileti, and P. Treutlein,
Imaging of relaxation times and microwave field strength in a microfabricated vapor cell,
Phys. Rev. A 88, 063407 (2013).
M. T. Rakher, R. J. Warburton, and P. Treutlein,
Prospects for storage and retrieval of a quantum-dot single photon in an ultracold 87Rb ensemble,
Phys. Rev. A 88, 053834 (2013).
H. Kurkjian, K. Pawlowski, A. Sinatra, and P. Treutlein,
Spin squeezing and EPR entanglement of two bimodal condensates in state-dependent potentials,
Phys. Rev. A 88, 043605 (2013).
C. F. Ockeloen, R. Schmied, M. F. Riedel, and P. Treutlein,
Quantum metrology with a scanning probe atom interferometer,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 143001 (2013).
M. Korppi, A. Jöckel, Matthew T. Rakher, S. Camerer, D. Hunger, T. W. Hänsch, and P. Treutlein,
Hybrid atom-membrane optomechanics,
EPJ Web of Conferences 57, 03006 (2013).
A. Horsley, G.-X. Du, P. Treutlein, M. Pellaton, C. Affolderbach, and G. Mileti,
Spatially resolved measurement of relaxation times in a microfabricated vapor cell,
European Frequency and Time Forum & International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFC), Prague, 2013, pp. 575-578.
B. Vogell, K. Stannigel, P. Zoller, K. Hammerer, M. T. Rakher, M. Korppi, A. Jöckel, and P. Treutlein,
Cavity-enhanced long-distance coupling of an atomic ensemble to a micromechanical membrane,
Phys. Rev. A 87, 023816 (2013).
P. Böhi and P. Treutlein,
Simple microwave field imaging technique using hot atomic vapor cells,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 181107 (2012).
P. Treutlein,
A Single Spin Feels the Vibrations,
Science 335, 1584 (2012).
S. Camerer, M. Korppi, A. Jöckel, D. Hunger, T. W. Hänsch, and P. Treutlein,
Realization of an optomechanical interface between ultracold atoms and a membrane,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 223001 (2011).
A. Jöckel, M. T. Rakher, M. Korppi, S. Camerer, D. Hunger, M. Mader, and P. Treutlein,
Spectroscopy of mechanical dissipation in micro-mechanical membranes,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 143109 (2011).
A. Negretti, P. Treutlein, and T. Calarco,
Quantum computing implementations with neutral particles,
Quantum Inf. Process. 10, 721 (2011).
D. Hunger, S. Camerer, M. Korppi, A. Jöckel, T. W. Hänsch, and P. Treutlein,
Coupling ultracold atoms to mechanical oscillators,
C. R. Physique 12, 871 (2011).
P. Treutlein, A. Negretti, and T. Calarco,
Quantum Information Processing with Atom Chips,
in: "Atom Chips", ed. by J. Reichel and V. Vuletic (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2011), pp. 283-308.
R. Folman, P. Treutlein, and J. Schmiedmayer,
Atom Chip Fabrication,
in: "Atom Chips", ed. by J. Reichel and V. Vuletic (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2011), pp. 61-117.
R. Schmied and P. Treutlein,
Tomographic reconstruction of the Wigner function on the Bloch sphere,
New J. Phys. 13, 065019 (2011).
P. Böhi, M. F. Riedel, and P. Treutlein,
Cold atoms image microwave fields,
SPS-Communications 33, 10 (2011).
P. Böhi, M. F. Riedel, T. W. Hänsch, and P. Treutlein,
Imaging of microwave fields using ultracold atoms,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 051101 (2010).
K. Hammerer, K. Stannigel, C. Genes, and P. Zoller, P. Treutlein, S. Camerer, D. Hunger, and T. W. Hänsch,
Optical lattices with micromechanical mirrors,
Phys. Rev. A 82, 021803 (2010).
K. Maussang, G. E. Marti, T. Schneider, P. Treutlein, Yun Li, A. Sinatra, R. Long, J. Esteve, and J. Reichel,
Enhanced and Reduced Atom Number Fluctuations in a BEC Splitter,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 080403 (2010).
M. F. Riedel, P. Böhi, Yun Li, T. W. Hänsch, A. Sinatra, and P. Treutlein,
Atom-chip-based generation of entanglement for quantum metrology,
Nature 464, 1170 (2010).
D. Hunger, S. Camerer, T. W. Hänsch, D. König, J. P. Kotthaus, J. Reichel, and P. Treutlein,
Resonant Coupling of a Bose-Einstein Condensate to a Micromechanical Oscillator,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 143002 (2010).
M. Wallquist, K. Hammerer, P. Zoller, C. Genes, M. Ludwig, F. Marquardt, P. Treutlein, J. Ye, and H. J. Kimble,
Single-atom cavity QED and optomicromechanics,
Phys. Rev. A 81, 023816 (2010).
K. Hammerer, M. Wallquist, C. Genes, M. Ludwig, F. Marquardt, P. Treutlein, P. Zoller, J. Ye, and H. J. Kimble,
Strong coupling of a mechanical oscillator and a single atom,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 063005 (2009).
P. Böhi, M. F. Riedel, J. Hoffrogge, J. Reichel, T. W. Hänsch, and P. Treutlein,
Coherent manipulation of Bose-Einstein condensates with state-dependent microwave potentials on an atom chip,
Nature Physics 5, 592 (2009).
See also the news & views article by C. Westbrook.
Yun Li, P. Treutlein, J. Reichel, and A. Sinatra,
Spin squeezing in a bimodal condensate: spatial dynamics and particle losses,
Eur. Phys. J. B 68, 365 (2009).
2008 and earlier (PhD project of P. Treutlein)
Philipp Treutlein,
Coherent manipulation of ultracold atoms on atom chips,
Dissertation, LMU München (2008).
P. Treutlein, D. Hunger, S. Camerer, T. W. Hänsch, and J. Reichel,
Bose-Einstein condensate coupled to a nanomechanical resonator on an atom chip,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 140403 (2007).
P. Treutlein, T. Steinmetz, Y. Colombe, B. Lev, P. Hommelhoff, J. Reichel, M. Greiner, O. Mandel, A. Widera, T. Rom, I. Bloch, and T. W. Hänsch,
Quantum Information Processing in Optical Lattices and Magnetic Microtraps,
in: "Elements of Quantum Information", ed. by W. P. Schleich and H. Walther (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2007), pp. 121-144.
P. Treutlein, T. W. Hänsch, J. Reichel, A. Negretti, M. A. Cirone, and T. Calarco,
Microwave potentials and optimal control for robust quantum gates on an atom chip,
Phys. Rev. A 74, 022312 (2006).
P. Treutlein, T. Steinmetz, Y. Colombe, B. Lev, P. Hommelhoff, J. Reichel, M. Greiner, O. Mandel, A. Widera, T. Rom, I. Bloch, and T. W. Hänsch,
Quantum information processing in optical lattices and magnetic microtraps,
Fortschr. Phys. 54, 702 (2006).
P. Treutlein, P. Hommelhoff, T. Steinmetz, T. W. Hänsch, and J. Reichel,
Coherence in Microchip Traps,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 203005 (2004).
P. Treutlein, P. Hommelhoff, T. W. Hänsch, and J. Reichel
Coherent Atomic States in Microtraps,
in: Laser Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the XVI International Conference (ICOLS 2003), ed. by P. Hannaford, A. Sidorov, H. Bachor, K. Baldwin (World Scientific, Singapore, 2004) pp. 231-236.