Dr. Michał Jakub Lipka


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2024-presentPostDoc in the group of Philipp Treutlein, University of Basel.
2024Data scientist, Audio Intelligence, Samsung Electronics R&D, Poland
2020-2024PhD student in the group of Michał Parniak at the University of Warsaw, Poland
2022Visiting PhD student in the group of Morgan Mitchell at ICFO, Spain
2018-2020Masters in Physics at the University of Warsaw, Poland
2015-2018Bachelor in Physics at the University of Warsaw, Poland


M. Lipka, A. Sierant, C. Troullinou, and M. W. Mitchell,
Multiparameter quantum sensing and magnetic communication with a hybrid dc and rf optically pumped magnetometer,
Physical Review Applied 21, 3, 034054 (2024).

M. Lipka and M. Parniak,
Super-resolution of ultrafast pulses via spectral inversion,
Optica 11, 9, 1226–1234 (2024).

M. Lipka and M. Parniak,
Ultrafast electro-optic time-frequency fractional Fourier imaging at the single-photon level,
Optics Express 32, 6, 9573–9588 (2024).

W. Krokosz et al.,
Beating the spectroscopic Rayleigh limit via post-processed heterodyne detection,
Optics Letters 49, 4, 1001–1004 (2024).

S. Kurzyna, M. Jastrzębski, N. Fabre, W. Wasilewski, M. Lipka, and M. Parniak,
Variable electro-optic shearing interferometry for ultrafast single-photon-level pulse characterization,
Optics Express 30, 22, 39826–39839 (2022).

F. Albarelli, M. Mazelanik, M. Lipka, A. Streltsov, M. Parniak, and R. Demkowicz-Dobrzański,
Quantum asymmetry and noisy multimode interferometry,
Physical Review Letters 128, 24, 240504 (2022).

M. Mazelanik, A. Leszczyński, M. Lipka, W. Wasilewski, and M. Parniak,
Real-time ghost imaging of Bell-nonlocal entanglement between a photon and a quantum memory,
Quantum 5, 493 (2021).

M. Lipka and M. Parniak,
Fast imaging of multimode transverse–spectral correlations for twin photons,
Optics Letters 46, 13, 3009–3012 (2021).

M. Lipka, M. Mazelanik, and M. Parniak,
Entanglement distribution with wavevector-multiplexed quantum memory,
New Journal of Physics 23, 5, 053012 (2021).

M. Lipka, M. Mazelanik, A. Leszczyński, W. Wasilewski, and M. Parniak,
Massively-multiplexed generation of Bell-type entanglement using a quantum memory,
Communications Physics 4, 1, 46 (2021).

M. Mazelanik, A. Leszczyński, M. Lipka, M. Parniak, and W. Wasilewski,
Temporal imaging for ultra-narrowband few-photon states of light,
Optica 7, 3, 203–208 (2020).

M. Lipka, M. Jarzyna, and K. Banaszek,
Quantum Fingerprinting Over AWGN Channels With Power-Limited Optical Signals,
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38, 3, 496–505 (2020).

M. Parniak, M. Mazelanik, A. Leszczyński, M. Lipka, M. Dąbrowski, and W. Wasilewski,
Quantum optics of spin waves through ac stark modulation,
Physical Review Letters 122, 6, 063604 (2019).

M. Mazelanik, M. Parniak, A. Leszczyński, M. Lipka, and W. Wasilewski,
Coherent spin-wave processor of stored optical pulses,
npj Quantum Information 5, 1, 22 (2019).

M. Mazelanik, A. Leszczyński, M. Lipka, W. Wasilewski, and M. Parniak,
Superradiant parametric conversion of spin waves,
Physical Review A 100, 5, 053850 (2019).

M. Lipka, A. Leszczyński, M. Mazelanik, M. Parniak, and W. Wasilewski,
Spatial spin-wave modulator for quantum-memory-assisted adaptive measurements,
Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 3, 034049 (2019).

M. Lipka, M. Parniak, and W. Wasilewski,
Microchannel plate cross-talk mitigation for spatial autocorrelation measurements,
Applied Physics Letters 112, 21 (2018).

M. Lipka, M. Jarzyna, and K. Banaszek,
Feasibility of quantum fingerprinting using optical signals with random global phase,
Quantum Information Science and Technology IV 10803, 66–72 (2018).

A. Leszczyński, M. Mazelanik, M. Lipka, M. Parniak, M. Dąbrowski, and W. Wasilewski,
Spatially resolved control of fictitious magnetic fields in a cold atomic ensemble,
Optics Letters 43, 5, 1147–1150 (2018).

M. Jachura, M. Jarzyna, M. Lipka, W. Wasilewski, and K. Banaszek,
Visibility-based hypothesis testing using higher-order optical interference,
Physical Review Letters 120, 11, 110502 (2018).

M. Dąbrowski, M. Mazelanik, M. Parniak, A. Leszczyński, M. Lipka, and W. Wasilewski,
Certification of high-dimensional entanglement and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering with cold atomic quantum memory,
Physical Review A 98, 4, 042126 (2018).

M. Parniak, M. Dąbrowski, M. Mazelanik, A. Leszczyński, M. Lipka, and W. Wasilewski,
Wavevector multiplexed atomic quantum memory via spatially-resolved single-photon detection,
Nature communications 8, 1, 2140 (2017).

M. Lipka, M. Parniak, and W. Wasilewski,
Optical frequency locked loop for long-term stabilization of broad-line DFB laser frequency difference,
Applied Physics B 123, 1–7 (2017).

M. Jachura, M. Lipka, M. Jarzyna, and K. Banaszek,
Quantum fingerprinting using two-photon interference,
Optics Express 25, 22, 27475–27487 (2017).


PhD thesisUltrafast Quantum Optics with Spectral Resolution, Quantum Optical Devices Laboratory, Dr hab. Michał Parniak, University of Warsaw, Poland
MSc thesisGeneration of polarization entanglement in wavevector-multiplexed atomic quantum memory, Quantum Memories Laboratory, Prof. Dr hab. Wojciech Wasilewski, University of Warsaw, Poland
BSc thesisMulti-photon autocorrelation precisely measured with an image intensified camera, Quantum Memories Laboratory, Prof. Dr hab. Wojciech Wasilewski, University of Warsaw, Poland


1. System for generating entangled photon pairs of multimode quantum memory for regeneration of a quantum signal at a distance, a method for generating entangled photon pairs of multimode quantum memory for regeneration of a quantum signal at a long distance, EP4035302

2. Method of calibrating image amplifier to reduce crosstalk signals at input to microchannel system and image amplifier calibration kit, Pat.235172

3. System and method of characterization of very weak femtosecond pulses at the single-photon level by second-order interferometry in a configuration with a temporal and a spatial modulator, P.441074