Dr. Thomas Karg


phone+41 (0)61 207 5592
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Since 2021PostDoc in the group of Prof. Philipp Treutlein, University of Basel.
2015-2020PhD student in the group of Prof. Philipp Treutlein, University of Basel.
2014Willi Studer prize, ETH Zürich.
2013 - 2014Master's thesis in the Quantum Optics Group of Prof. Tilman Esslinger, ETH Zürich.
2012 - 2014M.Sc. Interdisciplinary Sciences, ETH Zürich.
2012 - 2013Excellence scholarship, ETH Zürich.
2012 - 2013Bachelor's thesis in the Quantum Device Lab of Prof. Andreas Wallraff, ETH Zürich.
2009 - 2013B.Sc. Interdisciplinary Sciences, ETH Zürich.



T. M. Karg, B. Gouraud, C. T. Ngai, G.-L. Schmid, K. Hammerer, and P. Treutlein
Light-mediated strong coupling between a mechanical oscillator and atomic spins one meter apart,
Science 369, 6500 174-179 (2020).

Thomas M. Karg, Baptiste Gouraud, Philipp Treutlein, and Klemens Hammerer
Remote Hamiltonian interactions mediated by light,
Phys. Rev. A 99, 063829 (2019).

Julian Léonard, Moonjoo Lee, Andrea Morales, Thomas M. Karg, Tilman Esslinger, and Tobias Donner, 
Optical transport and manipulation of an ultracold atomic cloud using focus-tunable lenses, 
New J. Phys. 16, 093028 (2014).


PhD ThesisStrong light-mediated coupling between a membrane oscillator and an atomic spin ensemble,
Quantum Atom Optics Group, Prof. P. Treutlein, Universität Basel (2020)
Master's thesisProduction and Optical Transport of an Ultracold Gas of Rubidium Atoms, 
Quantum Optics Group, Prof. T. Esslinger, ETH Zürich (2014).
Semester thesisTowards imaging attosecond nuclear dynamics by laser-induced electron diffraction, 
Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Attosecond Science Group, Prof. H.J. Wörner, ETH Zürich (2013).
Bachelor's thesisFeedback Control of a Superconducting Qubit, 
Quantum Device Lab, Prof. A. Wallraff, ETH Zürich (2012).